Sunday, June 10, 2007

Character Education

One of the books I'm using as a reference for my paper ties in nicely with our class conversation on Saturday regarding character education. The book is "Being Good: Rethinking Classroom Management and Student Discipline" by Steven Wolk. He wrote that character education is "... gaining in popularity because our society and our politicians seem to believe that our children are lacking in morals. I find this ironic because adults cause the vast majority of the misery in the world. If there were some kind of national troublemaking index, I have no doubt that adults would rate far higher than kids. Adults start all wars, commit the vast majority of violence, lie to their bosses and friends and spouses, cheat on their taxes, [etc.] ... Yet, oddly, adults point fingers at our children as if kids are the ones in need of strict discipline, moral help, and character education."

Any thoughts on this????

Friday, June 1, 2007


While researching for my paper in this class I ran across this article and thought it would be beneficial to all of us to take a look at it as it is something each of us can use in our classrooms and at home with regard to Bullying.
There are activities that you can share with your students, children and others. Hope you enjoy it! Thanks Siobhan for "bullying" me into this topic!